International conferences (including to be presented works)
Kasahara, I., Karasawa, M., & Kashima, Y.
Reading minds with words: Effects of moral word use on attitude inference and communication. The 15th biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Hong Kong, China.
July 2023. (Oral)
Kasahara, I., Miura, T. G., & Karasawa, M. Affective polarization
in the Japanese political context: Roles of moral conviction and generalized shared reality. The 24th annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology,
Atlanta, GA, USA. February 2023. (Virtual: Research Spotlight [On-demand])
Miura, T. G., Kasahara, I., & Karasawa, M. Moral conviction exacerbates affective
polarization even under a multi-party system. The 24th annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA, USA. February 2023. (Poster)
Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M. Moral conviction strengthens
interpersonal selective exposure among Japanese citizens: A mini meta-analysis. The 45th annual meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Athens, Greece. July 2022.
(Virtual: Data Blitz)
Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M. Interpersonal selective exposure and the moderating role of moral
conviction: Evidence from Japan. The 23rd annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA, USA. February 2022. (Virtual: Poster)
Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M. Selective exposure toward similar opinions among Japanese citizens:
Mediational roles of personally experienced cognitive dissonance and interpersonal sense of shared reality. The 14th biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Seoul,
Korea. July 2021. (Virtual: Oral)
Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M. Interpersonal
selective exposure in Japan: The sense of lacking shared reality and decrease in relational motives make people aversive to an opposing opinion. The 44th annual meeting of
International Society of Political Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. July 2021. (Virtual: Data Blitz)
Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M. Selective exposure among Japanese citizens and its relational
basis: Perceived threat to shared reality invites avoidance of an opposing opinion. The 22nd annual convention of Society for Personality and Social
Psychology, Austin, TX, USA. February 2021. (Virtual: Poster)
Kasahara, I., Usami, M., & Karasawa, M. Stereotype priming effects on language use: Applying
morphological analysis on conversational data. The 21st annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, USA. February 2020. (Poster)
Domestic conferences (including to be presented works)
笠原 伊織・唐沢
笠原 伊織・唐沢
笠原 伊織・唐沢
笠原 伊織・宇佐美 まゆみ・唐沢
笠原 伊織・唐沢
笠原 伊織・唐沢
笠原 伊織・唐沢
岩谷 舟真・笠原 伊織・川尻 知弥・榎本
かおり・綿村 英一郎・村本 由紀子.地域活動への参加を促進する要因-流動性に着目して-.日本社会心理学会第56回大会,東京女子大学,2015年10月.(口頭)
笠原 伊織・宇佐美
Book chapters
笠原 伊織(2019)正しいことを進んで行う――行動意思決定研究の洞察を用いて、環境に関するよりよい意思決定を行うために.白岩 祐子・荒川
歩(監訳)行動政策学ハンドブック:応用行動科学による公共政策のデザイン.福村出版.[Japanese translation of Weber, E. U. (2013). Doing the right thing willingly: Using the insights of behavioral decision research for better
environmental decisions. In E. Shafir (Ed.), The behavioral foundations of public policy. Princeton University Press.]
Others (e.g., Presentations at Symposium)
日本心理学会 国際委員会.Researchers crossing countries.日本心理学会第88回大会,熊本城ホール,2024年9月.(シンポジウム・話題提供者)
笠原 伊織.名古屋大学NUCTサポートQTA活動内容紹介.大学等におけるオンライン教育とデジタル変革に関するサイバーシンポジウム「教育機関DXシンポ」,国立情報学研究所,2021年3月.(オンライン)